Review Policy

Please read carefully before requesting I review your book, and please familiarize yourself with my reviewing style. My reviews are my own, honest opinion, but I try to err on the side of the positives. I will occasionally review books I did not finish, and there’s no guarantee I will finish every book I agree to look at. I accept both ebooks and print copies, but if it’s an egalley I prefer a .mobi file so I can read it on my Kindle. Also, note that fall and spring (and the holidays) are very busy seasons at both my jobs, and I can’t agree to read/review every book I am given.

Genres I review: I enjoy literary fiction, badass women characters, and books about feminism, racial, gender, and women’s issues. I also read some memoir, historical fiction, fantasy and sci-fi, and horror and paranormal. Especially if you’re an independent press publishing any of those types of books, I’ll be excited to hear from you!

I generally do not accept self-published books, unless we’ve met in person and talked about it, etc. I do not read romance, most mysteries, dystopian, YA, Children’s, or other nonfiction books unless it’s something you’ve noticed me blogging about (like, for example, I won’t read just any travel book, but if it’s about Italy or Europe, I’ll probably be excited to take a look).

Lastly, if you’ve reached out to me for review and I’ve responded to you, note that this does not guarantee I will review your book. As a bookseller, someone who works on publishing, and a freelance reviewer, I receive a lot of advanced copies from multiple places and, to avoid misunderstanding and miscommunication, I am accepting your ARC on the basis that I will consider it for review. This is the way most independent reviewers operate, and it’s simply what works the best for us. I try to review books I have planned on reviewing within a month of the pub date of that book, but there’s no guarantee I will meet that deadline due to the sheer volume of books I am considering for review.

If you’re a publisher interested in reaching out to me for review, send me an email at waller.sarah.ann [at] gmail [dot] com.